Thursday, July 24, 2008

I'm sorry

Dear readers,

I apologize to all of you for not updating for well over a couple years. orrrr months? Either way I've been in a coma of regularity for too long and have not been confused or disorientated the way I should be.

From now on this blog shall be hot. Like hotter than the burn you get when you aren't wearing a shirt and you eat a cheese hot pocket too fast and a piece of it falls on your chest. That's right. That hot. We're going to experiment with a few new things and a few old things.

To make up for my absence, I bring you Dream Evil - The Book of Heavy Metal

The most devoted Swedish metal band that seem to have the right idea but have not quite exactly.....done it well. You'll see what I mean

I hope this patches up and hard feelings readers, and maybe we can just be friends for awhile before we go back to...ya know.

Love Always
Death Taco

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